Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the ongoing learning process a Certified Trainer employs to advance professional knowledge, skills and abilities beyond minimum requirements. This ongoing learning process is accomplished by activities such as attending seminars, courses or lectures; attending coaching workshops, or participating in advisory panels.
It is expected that through the CPD process, trainers will develop goals and follow individualized learning plans to ensure that they meet and exceed the standard of practice in the fitness industry. Appropriate CPD activities are empirically based (i.e., have some practical application and are not purely theoretical), relevant and applicable to improving fitness and health as defined by CrossFit, presented by a qualified source or instructor who is in good standing with CrossFit, LLC, and free from commercial bias.
Certificants are required to complete 36 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) of approved professional-development activities within the three category types.
View Professional-Development Activity Types
See the Candidate Handbook for a complete description of each category and complete instructions on how to receive credit for each course or activity.
The Level 1 Certificate Course is an introduction to CrossFit's methodology and foundational movements.
The Level 2 Certificate Course is an intermediate-level seminar that builds on the concepts and movements introduced at the Level 1 certificate course.
The online CrossFit Kids Certificate Course provides specific methods for teaching CrossFit to children and adolescents.
The CrossFit Educators course is meant for educators, teachers, or anyone who works with children to learn how to improve the quality and efficacy of their physical education programs through an introduction to CrossFit principles and training.
The Online Level 1 provides an introductory education on the fundamental principles and movements of CrossFit from the comfort of home.
The Coaching the Aging Athlete Course (formerly known as the CrossFit Masters course) presents practical methods for applying CrossFit to an aging population, taking into account how age, fitness, goals, and injury state interact to create different coaching challenges and scenarios.
The CrossFit Programming Course introduces the fundamental skills needed to create CrossFit workouts, design a basic program, and evaluate its effectiveness.
The Anatomy Course provides information on basic anatomical terms, and offers an introduction to the structure and mechanics of the major joints of the human body.
Develop the ability to analyze commonly used movements, including weightlifting, gymnastics, and monostructural modalities.
The Scaling Course reinforces the skills a CrossFit trainer will use when modifying workouts for their athletes.
The Lesson Planning Course introduces and improves the skills necessary to accurately plan a lesson for CrossFit group-training sessions.
The Running Course is designed for anyone looking to learn and improve their basic running technique.
The CrossFit Judges Course offers an introduction to the skills the CrossFit Judge will use during any competition. This course is valid ONLY for the competition season related to the year it was issued.
The courses below are not administered by CrossFit Inc. They are third-party courses which have met the standards to offer training for the purpose of professional development and are authorized to grant CEUs for CrossFit recertification requirements.
The 2023 CrossFit Affiliate Summit is a full-day learning and networking opportunity. This event includes educational sessions targeting your business and content to professionalize your staff and enhance your member experience. Participants will connect and learn from experts in our space as well as senior leaders from CrossFit HQ.
CrossFit HQ
The 2024 CrossFit Affiliate Summit is a full-day learning and networking opportunity. This event includes educational sessions targeting your business and content to professionalize your staff and enhance your member experience. Participants will connect and learn from experts in our space as well as senior leaders from CrossFit HQ.
CrossFit HQ
CrossFit has been in the business of saving, improving, and transforming lives for 20-years. The results–moving people from sick to well and well to fit–are measurable, predictable, repeatable and universal. CrossFit works for everyone, can be scaled for anyone, and continues to work long term. We have seen this in numbers logged in our affiliates, on message boards and through countless testimonials. CrossFit = Health Join us, for the CrossFit for Health Summit, to learn the science that supports the methodology that works!
CrossFit Education
Ready to enrich your knowledge with Adaptive Judging? The Adaptive Judges Course supports WheelWOD's mission to ensure fairness, embrace ability, and champion inclusion by providing education on holding the standard and navigating the nuances of Adaptive competition to support Adaptive Athletes.
Taught by Chris Hinshaw, Aerobic Capacity is a one-day course that helps coaches and athletes create a more robust and efficient aerobic system. Hinshaw is known internationally for his extensive knowledge and practical experience developing aerobic capacity in athletes of all experience levels using his comprehensive, cutting-edge approach to training. The course is open to coaches and athletes of all experience levels.
Chris Hinshaw
Affiliate University is a 12-month course that educates and unifies Affiliate owners and coaches on a shared mission - evolving your box into a business your entire team can be proud of. Affiliate University is designed to guide you through the process of navigating the ever-evolving fitness landscape in a way that no self-paced course or video lesson can. Through one-on-one development sessions with BHOTD and focused small groups alongside other passionate Affiliate owners, you will have unhindered access to a community that will connect, learn, and collaborate.
Best Hour of Their Day
WODprep's doctors of Physical Therapy, Dr. Joe Camoratto and Dr. CJ DePalma, present a simple and clear framework through this course that will allow any level of athlete or coach to work their way back to performance despite injury, pain or limitation. You'll understand how to look at a training program, modify it based on your limitations and how to make progress over time.
Self-defense and defensive tactics pioneer Tony Blauer has created an effective personal defense program taught with the efficiency of a CPR course. You will be safer in a day. Improve your personal safety, and improve your family’s too.
Blauer Tactical Systems
Between the Ears ETHOS is 1-day course for coaches and athletes to learn how to train relative to psychological tolerances within the CrossFit affiliate model. Participants will explore how to intentionally develop physical, mental, and emotional fitness in a highly experiential and interactive learning environment. Participants will learn evidence-based tools and practices to help address the mental wellness needs of their members while remaining within their scope of practice and still delivering effective, high-value coaching to their community.
Between the Ears
This course provides an introduction to the requirements of athletes who need to, for reasons of work, hobby or sport, carry load, be that worn, loaded on the back, or carried in the hands. This course examines programming strategies for biasing the needs of these populations while maintaining a broad and inclusive physical fitness through a well rounded programme.
Active Athlete Limited
Building on the foundational skills you gained in our Level 1 Coaching Course, this Level 2 seminar is crafted to deepen your understanding of movement, biomechanics, and athlete development. With a focus on identifying and addressing movement limitations, you will learn effective methods of assessment and intervention that can help your athletes improve their range of motion, stability, and overall strength. Our seminar is not just about theory; it’s about enhancing your “coach's eye” and providing actionable solutions that lead to tangible performance improvements.
Birdbox Coaching
BirdBox Coaching Development aims to enhance your underpinning knowledge around the psychosocial and technical elements of coaching. Our two-day live seminar will take you through coaching, personalities, behaviours, coach-athlete relationships, biomechanical principles, coach's eye development and tools to become a transformational coach, making you effective.
Birdbox Coaching
BirdBox Coaching Development aims to enhance underpinning knowledge around the psychosocial and technical elements of coaching. Our online course addresses coaching behaviors, coaching relationships, biomechanical principles; building towards making coaches more effective. The online self-paced course provides usable academic references throughout the learning system to help trainers understand the deeper side of their craft and guide them to become a more effective, self-aware coach. This course focuses on the psychosocial aspects of coaching.
Birdbox Coaching
Spend two days with the Burgener Strength Team dialing in the fundamentals, drills and positions for both the snatch and clean & jerk in both coaching sessions and performance breakouts.
Burgener Strength
The snatch, clean, and jerk are high-skill movements that are challenging to teach and perform. Improve your coaching and technique through two days of classroom instruction and drills led by the legendary Burgener Strength team.
Burgener Strength
This course offers 12 modules that progress through key elements of organizational design, entrepreneurial success, and how to build an enduring business. Each week students take on a video lecture, reading assignment, real-world case study, and practical assignment. Participants can expect to have frameworks to improve and existing business or to build something remarkable from scratch.
DEUCE University
The Coach Development Program by Denise Thomas immerses participants in the day-to-day operations of an affiliate, providing a unique opportunity to shadow and learn from some of the most successful affiliates and coaches in the CrossFit® community.
Denise Thomas
The Coach Development Program by Denise Thomas immerses participants in the day-to-day operations of an affiliate, providing a unique opportunity to shadow and learn from some of the most successful affiliates and coaches in the CrossFit® community.
Denise Thomas
The Coach Development Program by Denise Thomas immerses participants in the day-to-day operations of an affiliate, providing a unique opportunity to shadow and learn from some of the most successful affiliates and coaches in the CrossFit® community.
Denise Thomas
Coach Like a Pro (CLP) is designed to fully break down the practical knowledge and skills, both tangible and intangible, necessary to develop mastery in coaching group classes and is one of the only courses specifically designed to develop a coach's ability to execute on a practical level. Participating coaches are expected to have an established understanding of movements, points of performance, progressions, or common faults and corrections to allow focus on the core objectives of the CLP content, which include creating a deeper understanding of the "‘how and why’" in breaking down the complexities of group classes and shortening the learning curve for coaches striving to deliver amazing classes every time they take the floor. Coaching group classes is extremely challenging. It takes years of work, repetition, and thousands of coaching hours to develop mastery. CLP endeavors to teach coaches many of these lessons to help them avoid pitfalls and mistakes and tactfully navigate the many complexities of group classes.
Over two intensive, transformative days, participants have the opportunity to learn actionable strategies and insights from industry leaders and a team with extensive experience in the micro-gym industry. Coaches Congress is tailored to help gym owners and coaches with real-time needs by covering topics such as financial mastery, member retention, marketing and advertising strategies, time management and efficiency, team building, and coaching skills improvement. The two-day event offers an interactive learning experience where participants engage in hands-on workshops, real-time problem-solving sessions, and networking opportunities. By attending Coaches Congress, participants earn access to an exclusive community of like-minded gym owners and coaches, providing ongoing support, accountability, and inspiration that will last far beyond the event.
Coaches Congress
The Conjugate Powerlifting Course is designed to expand participant knowledge of the back squat, bench press, deadlift, their variants, and accessory work. The course identifies and optimizes strengths, corrects weaknesses, and reduces exposure to injury in training and sport.
Conjugate Methods
The Instructor Certificate Course is an intermediate-level course that builds on the concepts of Deep End Fitness training methodology. Completion of the Instructor Certificate Course demonstrates mastering instruction and delivery of: aquatic safety, risk management, program design, movement, mindset, breath work, and water confidence training.
Deep End Fitness
Diesel Days are an instructional and experiential learning event that places participants in a 24 - 32 hour adversity challenge which puts into practice the psychological strategies of 'Checking In w/ the Left Hand™. During the event, participants will be challenged emotionally, physically, and spiritually as they are put to the test against their own limitations of endurance, physical capacity, self doubt and experience. They will have the opportunity to build psychological skills and establish response patterns to help manage adversity and achieve when their unconscious is tempting them to settle for disappointment. Activities will be endurance and strength based, while reinforcing the concepts of threshold training (effort) and scaling to preserve stimulus. During the entire evolution participants will be given personal coaching/cueing and group correction and instruction.
Brian Chontosh
This self-paced, online course is designed to help coaches and leaders maximize their potential. The program is designed to help you improve your mental performance and enhance your ability to COACH the mental side of sport, WODs, fitness and life. The program will help you achieve more success, develop stronger relationships, and have greater impact in all of your roles. Whether you're a box owner, athlete, coach, CEO or manager, you'll be drastically more effective if you're able to positively change the mindsets of those around you. It starts with you improving your own mind and then learning how to lead others towards optimizing their health, fitness and performance. Each segment of the course provides you with a nugget of information and a drill, mental challenge, reflection, or journal prompt.
Driven Mind
The Elevate 6-Week Kick-Start Challenge is a hybrid program designed to empower trainers at any level to refine their craft, build confidence, and create lasting impact by providing personalized mentorship, actionable insights, and flexible app-based content. Trainers will develop their skills by breaking down fundamentals and rebuilding stronger systems for themselves and their members. With weekly mentorship calls, one-on-one coaching, and a tailored development roadmap, trainers will gain clarity, sharpen their skills, and create sustainable habits that lead to long-term success and help them thrive.
Virtuous Coach Development
The Fair Play - Strategies for Conflict Resolution course focuses on providing key skills and competencies in conflict management and resolution in sports environments. It covers topics such as conflict identification, resolution techniques, effective communication, and building strong teams. Participants are equipped with the necessary tools to address conflicts constructively, promote a positive sports environment, and maintain cohesion within the team. The online self-paced course offers flexibility and accessibility for participants to progress at their own pace from anywhere.
Girando 180º
Our 1:1 Coaching program a 3 step program and it is individually designed and tailored to the needs of each affiliate owner/client to create Freedom. We believe the fitness of an affiliate is in the freedom it can create for its owner and community. Each participant passes through our Diagnostic process, evaluating them on several key areas such as vision, mission, financial foundation, operation, and strategy. Upon completion each client receives a project that spans 12-15 weeks depending upon discovery. Each client works 1:1 with their coach for 1hr each week, as well as on projects and work assigned. Each participant will work to improve in 4 key areas, Time, Money, Purpose, and Relationship. This is done each week through the use of a true Coaching relationship, not a training relationship. We use questions to guide participants to their own solutions and execution. Allowing them to learn to solve their own problems, not rely on answers.
Are you looking to prioritize health inside your gym? Are you looking to expand your reach to transform lives outside of the walls of your gym through employee wellness and partnerships? In this live event for gym owners and coaches, you will learn from the experts, connect with fellow gym owners and coaches who prioritize a holistic coaching program, and leave inspired to make a greater impact in your community. Seminar Topics: Leading With And; Increasing Sales For Nutrition & Fitness Packages; Increasing Engagement For Nutrition With Existing Members; Increasing Confidences As A Nutrition Coach Using A Habit-Based & Holistic Coaching Program; Preventing & Fighting Chronic Disease In Your Gym; Turning Customer Service Into Your Superpower
Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring
Are you looking to run a nutrition challenge in your gym? This 7-hour training will provide gym owners and coaches everything they need to plan, launch and excuse a habit-based nutrition challenge in a gym. Training Includes: How To Structure A Healthy Steps Nutrition Challenge (Package, Price & The Client Journey); How To Market Your Challenge; Nutrition & Health Education Delivered During Nutrition Challenge; How To Structure Individual Meetings To Use Your Challenge As The Kickstart Of An Ongoing Coaching Program; What Happens After Your Challenge & How To Avoid The Challenge Trap; One Individual Mentoring Call To Help You Personalize The Information For Your Facility Training Deliverables: Challenge Tracker Sheet - Weekly Emails - Marketing Timeline - Sample Meal Ideas & Healthy Recipes - Client Handbook - Meeting Templates - Marketing Templates (Including Emails & Social Media Graphics)
Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring
After graduating from the Healthy Steps Nutrition Training Program, you move to the growth stage. The nutrition and business experts at HSN will continue to provide ongoing education, personalized mentoring, and marketing content to help gym owners and coaches grow their nutrition programs. The growth stage includes exclusive access to the Healthy Steps Nutrition app to make it easy to deliver a professional habit-based coaching program in a gym. Prerequisite Course: Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring: Training Course
Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring
Are you looking to expand your nutrition program to kids and teens? In this training course, you will learn how to provide nutrition coaching to kids, teens, and families. The creators of this kids course have over 40 years of experience working with kids, teens, and families. After graduating from this course, you will understand how to build a kids nutrition program, how to build a coaching program for families, and how to set up partnerships with athletic teams and schools. This is an advanced course for students who have graduated from the main HSN Mentoring Nutrition Coach & Business Training Course.
Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring
The Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring Program provides gym owners and coaches the training and systems to deliver a professional habit-based coaching program in their gym. By adding a habit-based nutrition coaching program in a gym, your members will see better results, increasing retention and adding a revenue stream. The training process includes online modules and seven mentoring calls to help gym owners and coaches apply the information to their facility with the expert guidance of a Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentor. If you want to build a professional, habit-based coaching program in your gym, save time and don’t reinvent the wheel with the Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring program. The HSN Mentoring initial training program includes business support, systems, and access to the CrossFit Preferred Course, Basics of Nutrition Coaching. The initial investment consists of two subscriptions to the training, one for the owner and one for the coach who will head up the habit-based coaching program.
Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring
This 8-week online course is an introduction to the anatomical basis of movement. Students will learn anthropometry applied to coaching, cellular anatomy, bone & joint anatomy, cardiac anatomy, pulmonary anatomy, anatomy of adipose, and the anatomy of balance and coordination.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
This 8-week online course is a directed study of the human body that builds on the concepts from Anatomy 1. Specifically the muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments relevant to exercise and fitness are considered, including practical applications of that knowledge towards understanding exercise and fitness gain. A regionalized study approach, from the ground up, is utilized. Topics include the foot and ankle, the knee, the hip, the axial skeleton and related structures, the shoulder, the elbow, and the wrist and hand.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
This 8-week online course is a presentation of the underpinning concepts relative to the biological functions of the body during and after acute and chronic exercise (during a training session and as a result of repeated training sessions). Topics include: Physiological Adaptation, Genetic Concepts, Redefining Health, Wellness and Fitness, Muscle Contraction, Metabolism and Diet, Bioenergetics, Muscular Adaptations to Exercise, Cardiopulmonary Function and Adaptation, and Endocrine Function and Adaptation.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
本课程旨在为学习者提供人体解剖学和生理学的基础知识,以及特定身体系统对运动表现的影响。它能够令学习者对身体结构和功能的重要性形成理解,并为其他许多相关课程提供基础知识。该课程的总体目标是建立对影响,控制和适应训练的解剖结构和生理功能的功能性理解。这个远程学习课程(仅限在线提供)由专家创建,使任何有职业或地理限制的人都可以随时参加面对面学习。该单元结合短小精悍的视频讲座,练习活动,文本阅读和家庭作业,创造一个典型学习环境,提供解剖学和生理学的基础,以支持学习者未来的专业实践。设计自学时长约为12-16周,课程访问时间长达六个月。 完成课程可获取48点 CrossFit CEU学分。 学习成效 整个课程拥有六大成效。顺利完成课程的学习者能够具备以下能力: 描述人体结构,组织及功能 描述骨骼系统的结构与功能 描述肌肉系统的结构与功能 描述呼吸系统的结构与功能 描述心血管系统的结构与功能 描述运动期间能量补充所用介质和辨识能量使用产生的附属物
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
Scientific papers are often perceived as puzzles by the uninitiated reader. University students and faculty frequently have journal clubs to learn disciplinary dogma from older research and also to collectively review and discuss new data. Within the fitness industry, trainers and coaches educated outside of academia miss this opportunity. In this course a critical analysis of selected classic papers, unreliable papers, and those that have made their way into popular headlines will be presented, with the intent to enable students to independently read and assess other scientific papers and press reports, then decide on those publication’s merits. The objectives of this online course are to: Walk the student through the process of analyzing exercise scientific papers for relevance and applicability to their practice and to demonstrate the fallibility and need for fact checking of press accounts of scientific papers against the original research.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
The purpose of this completely online course is to develop an understanding of laboratory testing processes and how various tests are relevant to and of potential use in the training of clients. Upon completion of the course, communication between fitness trainers and their clients, as well as with physicians and other allied health professionals can be improved with the new understanding of laboratory tests, their conduct, their results, and the interpretation of those results.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
Strength training and running are the two primary activities in which most customers of commercial fitness operations will participate. Over 50,000,000 people in the UK and USA will exercise by running each year and another 50,000,000 will train with weights as a primary exercise modality. This popularity underscores the importance and marketability of possessing teaching and programming skills in strength training and running. They are requisite to all exercise professions. The premise of this online course is to acquire or refine a set of skills relative to teaching and programming exercise, that when employed induce the anatomical and physiological adaptations that lead to an improvement in fitness.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
Endurance training has a broad set of applications in achieving fitness goals and in improving workplace productivity. Endurance is not just jogging, it is much more than that and improving it requires specific programming approaches but can be accomplished using many different types of exercise. The concept of using diverse exercises to induce adaptations in multiple elements of fitness is one of the most important and popular means of training available. It is imperative that a professional fitness trainer be competent in instructing, integrating, and programming many types of exercise. The premise of this course is to acquire or refine a set of skills relative to teaching and programming exercise, that when employed induce the anatomical and physiological adaptations that lead to an improvement in fitness.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
Yoga can be an excellent ancillary training methodology for contributing to fitness. Its effects on range of motion, local muscular endurance, and health are well documented. In this course Yoga has been dissected down into a strictly physical presentation, specifically relevant to the fitness professions - yoga with a purely physical bent. The course lifts the veil on what yoga is and what it is not. Start developing the teaching skills that allow you to bring improved range of motion and the other benefits of yoga into your gym. This online course presents an objective scientific analysis of how yoga affects fitness and health. It provides a systematic and step-by-step approach to teaching yoga that compliments and enhances a broadly based approach to fitness training.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
This course introduces the student to the knowledge and skills required to recognize common gym workplace Health & Safety (US OSHA or UK HSE) issues, perform gym safety surveys, and to find and follow relevant statutory requirements and official guidance for maintaining a safe gym environment for employees and clients. The materials presented help trainers and gym owners operate in compliance with relevant regulations and limit legal exposure.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
This course is designed to provide learners with underpinning knowledge and competency to devise and implement health screening strategies within the fitness industry. It introduces the student to the knowledge and skills required to devise and implement a health screening strategy to identify individuals who may or may not participate in exercise without medical advice or supervision.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
All commercial and community fitness practices are, at their root, businesses. As such the fitness practitioner must be familiar with the concepts of modern fitness commerce, must possess the personal and interpersonal skills requisite to any client based operation, and must have a functional knowledge of basic business skills. The overarching objective of this course is to introduce the student to the elements of effective business practice relative to the fitness industry.
Kilgore Academy - Lon Kilgore
The Ma Strength Level 1 Seminar will teach you the Chinese technique for snatch, clean, and jerk. Over the course of 2 days, you’ll engage in plenty of practice while receiving feedback individually and as a group. For athletes, the goal of this seminar is to learn how to perform these lifts in a consistent way to maximize your training. For coaches, the seminar will teach you progressions, cues, and technical details to enhance your analysis of Olympic weightlifting.
Ma Strength
The Ma Strength Level 2 Seminar will teach you a principle-based approach to simplify your analysis of weightlifting compensations and movement. Over the course of 2 days, through a mix of lectures, Q&A, and practical breakouts, you will learn how to assess the Olympic lifts and think differently about movement to increase your rate of coaching success.
Ma Strength
The intent of the Mental Strength Coaching Certificate Program is to provide personal fitness trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, athletic trainers and coaches the tools necessary to help them get the most out of their clients. This training is designed for coaches and trainers who want to: Work more effectively with peak performers and teach them the mental skills to enhance their performance; Uncover mental obstacles, develop strategies to overcome them and to instill confidence, focus, and composure in the individuals they coach; Utilize mental strength coaching with their clients to help them triumph over mental obstacles that have been holding them back; Supplement their studies with proven mental strength strategies and an effective mental strength training system.
Warrior Mind Coach
The MentalFit & Mindset Course aims to bridge the gap between mental health and fitness by empowering coaches and gym owners to prioritize mental health for themselves and their clients.
Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring
The Movement & Mobility 102 Course reveals Dr. Kelly Starrett's comprehensive assessment for evaluating & correcting an athlete’s movement patterns. It will give you an understanding of common types of pain experienced in the gym and what tools you have at your disposal to address them. After completing the course, the student will be able to systematically observe a client’s movement, spot incomplete patterns, and correct those issues with a robust set of tools and techniques. The course includes Kelly’s complete four-page client mobility assessment form to seamlessly begin using Kelly’s system in your own practice.
The Ready State
The chronic and persistent nature of human diseases, brought on by the "carbs and the couch," require a specific and strategic approach to training coaches, teachers, medical personnel, and other helping professionals on the evidence-based practices used in mental healthcare settings. This course teaches its participants the points of performance relative to the application of Motivational Interviewing and the Transtheoretical Stages of change. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of these "best practices" through a group and individual experiential environment. We ultimately want our trainees to be able to have the "uncomfortable conversations" that are necessary for change to occur in day to day interaction with their clients, athletes, and among the members of their staff.
Matt Miller
This course is intended to teach the fundamentals of effective nutrition. Participants will understand the reasoning and science behind weighing and measuring food and have a deep understanding of the three macronutrients, especially how the body uses each macronutrient for fuel. In addition, participants will learn how to implement proper nutrition protocols for themselves as well as new clients based on their readiness state.
Own Your Eating (Jason Ackerman)
In this course, you will experience and learn how to teach and apply the best breathing assessments and exercises for performance and recovery and the best protocols for sauna and ice baths. You will learn and experience multiple protocols, the science behind them, and how to teach and contextualize them for your client's goals. After this course, you will be equipped to add small things to group classes, coach private breathing sessions, and coach your own breath & recovery workshop.
Power Coaching LLC
Aprenderás los fundamentos básicos sobre la movilidad activa e integrarás herramientas para la rehabilitación articular. Un level up en tu carrera profesional. Te permitirá ofrecer un servicio integral a tus pacientes y atletas. El certificado PW Nivel 1 te sumerge en la metodología Physiowods que durante más de 10 años de experiencia ha ayudado a miles de atletas a trabajar la movilidad para mejorar su calidad de movimiento y trabajar su rehabilitación de manera exitosa. PhysioWods Nivel 1 is an Online Mobility Course for Health Professionals and Trainers, designed to help the diagnose movement and mobility issues, help them prescribe appropriate exercises in order to improve their range of motion, strength and stability, and understand how to respond and adapt their training with an injured athlete. It will help them guide their athletes through their rehabilitation and mobility issues, while they keep training safely.
This online course is designed to teach fitness and health professionals the biomechanically correct running technique, and how to use video analysis and running technique assessment tools to analyze running gait and identify errors in movement that produce inefficient technique and lead to overuse injuries. Participants will learn how to increase speed and endurance, how to prevent running related injuries and remain injury free. Everyone is welcome to participate! Whether it’s for your own benefit or to help others.
Romanov Academy of Sport Science
Power Monkey Camp is a week-long training and educational clinic plus fun competition for adults of all levels, featuring some of the world’s top coaches and athletes from Gymnastics, Weightlifting, and much more. This camp is for any adult looking to improve their understanding of gymnastics, weightlifting, jumping rope, rowing, nutrition, strength/weakness imbalances, mobility, flexibility, physical therapy (prehab/rehab) and much more. Along with the in gym training, there are a variety of outside activities available; swimming in a 32-acre lake, 5-mile running trail through the woods, ropes course, etc.
Power Monkey Fitness
Power Monkey Camp Online is a fun and informative self-paced online course designed to mimic the education and experience you receive at Power Monkey Camp. Users are guided through in-depth class sessions built around gymnastics, weightlifting and aerobic capacity modalities to improve their skills as an athlete and coach. The skills covered are technique-focused, but broken down in a way that all are able to learn and apply to their training. Additional sessions include lectures based on nutrition, sleep, mindset, and programming from high level coaches, athletes, and Olympians.
Power Monkey Fitness
Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism™ is an introductory to intermediate online course that equips coaches, personal trainers, physical therapists, and other health practitioners to support pregnant and postpartum athletes. This course helps coaches and practitioners bridge the gap between rehab to athletic performance while taking core and pelvic health symptoms and athlete behavior and mindset into consideration. The course consists of 10 modules of content that educates students on how to understand the motivations of their clients, recognizing the client’s mental and physical needs before, during, and after pregnancy, as well as how to adjust training to accommodate the changing needs of the athlete.
Brianna Battles
Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism is hosting a two-day LIVE Coaching Course to equip personal trainers, physical therapists, and other health practitioners to support pregnant and postpartum athletes. This live clinic helps coaches and practitioners bridge the gap between rehab to athletic performance while taking core and pelvic health symptoms and athlete behavior and mindset into consideration. This is a two-day course full of live lectures as well as hands-on breakout sessions and hot seats that educate students on how to understand the motivations of their clients, recognize the client’s mental and physical needs before, during, and after pregnancy, as well as how to adjust training to accommodate the changing needs of the athlete.
Brianna Battles
The Primal Mobility Certification provides coaches with the necessary tools to assess and analyze movement patterns to build a strength-based mobility program that helps athletes move without pain and support performance. Students are given an in-depth look into how individual anatomy, anthropometry, and biomechanics play a role in barbell-based movement patterns and equipped with an assessment protocol to understand the root cause of various symptoms with a comprehensive progressive process to make corrections. This course includes programming templates, assessment checklists and case studies to use concepts in action. Graduates earn a Strength-Based Mobility Specialist credential from Primal Mobility.
Primal Mobility
This seminar is for athletes, coaches and trainers of all ages that want to get better at rowing, build a bigger engine and improve their mental game. The main takeaway from this seminar is that rowing is much more than just a movement tested in competitive fitness and CrossFit™ competitions. It is a tool that can build your aerobic capacity when integrated into a structured and progressive training programme. It is also an invaluable tool to test an athlete’s mindset and to build mental toughness, which crosses over into so much more than rowing.
TFA-L1 is a continuing education course for clinicians and fitness professionals who work with females (assigned female at birth). There is a lot of fearful and restrictive messaging about female health concerns such as urinary incontinence (UI - bladder leaking), pelvic organ prolapse (POP - pelvic organ descent and heaviness in the vagina), pre and post natal exercise, and diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA - stretching through the abdominal wall). Through TFA-L1, participants will identify their own beliefs and frameworks, challenge those beliefs through movement experiments and research review, and consider a new set of principles to guide their work with clients. These concepts are solidified through diastasis assessment, external pelvic floor assessment, and movement labs looking at lunges, squats, deadlifts, core exercises, running/pivoting and impact activities like box jumps and skipping. Participants leave the course feeling confident, inspired, empowered, and ready to take their clients (and themselves!) to the next level.
My PT Education
The Gymnastics Course is a two-day course that helps coaches and athletes understand gymnastics movement and improve coordination and efficiency. No matter your skill level — basic, intermediate, or advanced — this course will improve your technique and performance. You’ll work with expert coaches from The Gymnastics Course who have over a decade of experience helping athletes and coaches refine their gymnastics techniques and achieve their goals!
The Gymnastics Course
Purpose of the Advanced Gymnastics course is to expand on The Gymnastics Course Level One and allow CrossFitters to see/attempt/spot next level gymnastics skills. To help them further understand their training processes also, why these processes are best practice. The course is an opportunity for athletes to re-discover the fundamentals of CrossFit Gymnastic movements; working towards virtuosity and mastery of movements, seeking higher skills.
The Gymnastics Course
This self-paced course takes you through the same movement elements as The Gymnastics Course Level One, however, in a much deeper context. It will provide a coach with the underpinning knowledge to all aspects of our gymnastics seminar. Learning will be completed through videos, tasks, readings and illustrations.
The Gymnastics Course
The Knowledge Pro is a virtual Coach Development cohort led by CrossFit Level 4 Coaches. It is for coaches that want to take ownership of their growth and development. You can expect to deepen your knowledge of the methodology, refine your skills on the floor, and stand out as a world-class coach. The Knowledge Pro uses weekly calls, homework, study materials, and assessments to level up your coaching, credentials, and career. Join us and surround yourself with other coaches making a difference in their community and around the world in The Knowledge Pro!
Best Hour of Their Day
This masterclass is designed to provide participants with the foundational physiological and psychological principles of nutrition, as well as a practical application of that knowledge by collecting data on their diet over a several week progression. Topics include understanding how calories, macronutrients, quality, and psychology influence their weight, health, and fitness outcomes.
OptimizeMe Nutrition
This masterclass is designed to provide participants with the foundational physiological and psychological principles of nutrition, as well as a practical application of that knowledge by collecting data on their diet over a several week progression. Topics include understanding how calories, macronutrients, quality, and psychology influence their weight, health, and fitness outcomes. The coaches version includes live discussions regarding how to coach others through the process and common client issues.
OptimizeMe Nutrition
Growth Stage is ongoing monthly mentorship for gym owners who have completed the RampUp training. This includes a one-hour monthly call with a Two-Brain Business Mentor, unlimited access to the Two-Brain Business Toolkit and unlimited access to the private group of Two-Brain Business gym owners. In the growth stage, gym owners set annual goals with their mentor, and develop their client lifecycle. They set event schedules and sales targets for different revenue streams. Then they spend a monthly hour-long call planning strategies to achieve their established targets, with peer support from gym owners worldwide.
Two-Brain Business
RampUp is a twelve-week intensive mentoring program. Mentorship is a guided process from your current spot toward your “perfect day.” A mentor provides a model for success; but, more than that, a good mentor understands both parts of the decision-making process, and does what’s necessary to a) help you reach decisions; then b) enact necessary changes in the best way possible. Every week, clients will spend an hour on the phone with a Two-Brain Business mentor. They'll be guided in the development of systems that will last decades, and solidify their business. Participants start with a data collection survey in which they report metrics. From there, the mentor builds a customized call progression. Each call includes assignments for followup, with video reviews of the material and templates, as well as accountability and planning for the next stages.
Two-Brain Business
The purpose and intent of Scaled Nation’s course, Working with Larger Bodies, is to improve the lives of athletes living with obesity by empowering coaches and fitness professionals through education. Participants can expect to improve their coaching skills by learning how to create a welcoming and safe physical and emotional environment. Attendees will gain exposure to a holistic understanding of the roots of obesity; increase their confidence, knowledge, and creativity in scaling and progression options specific to larger bodies; and learn how to create a continuum of small wins, building confidence in athletes, and developing a more robust gym culture. This will be accomplished through lectures, breakout groups, activities, and hands-on application sessions.
Scaled Nation
It is possible to receive credit for a course or activity that is not listed under Approved Providers. The course or activity must meet CrossFit's standards for CPD activities and all approvals are made on a case-by-case basis. There is a nonrefundable US$25 administrative fee to submit this request.
Requests can be made before or after the course or activity is completed; however, submitting a request is not a guarantee of approval. It is recommended that a request be submitted prior to enrolling in a course to determine if it will count toward maintaining the CCFT credential. Remember, all Individualized Professional Development activities require pre-approval.